Dublin Youth Council

Youth Council

Meetings will generally be held twice a month, on dates and times selected by the Youth Council during their initial council meeting in the month of June.


Dublin Youth Council

Local Goverment is looking for young voices.

  • Acquire greater knowledge and appreciation for the political system through active participation in local government. 
  • Learn how local municipal government works and how municipal services are provided.
  • Provide a means by which the City’s youth can be heard and share their perspective on issues affecting the lives of young people in areas of social, educational, recreational, cultural, and law enforcement.
  • Assist the Mayor, City Council, and City staff in policy and decision-making, problem-solving, and accomplishing community goals.
  • Provide leadership development and experience that will enable the youth to become productive citizens and leaders in the community. 

Meetings are generally held twice a month, on dates and times selected by the Youth Council during the initial council meeting in the month of June.

  • A mandatory summer orientation training session will be held in the month of July.
  • Additional meetings for committees, special projects, and miscellaneous events will be scheduled as necessary. 
  • Attend Dublin City and Laurens County Commissioner Meetings
  • Volunteer with the Georgia Secretary of State Office in the state’s Student Ambassadors Program
  • Attend the Georgia Municipal Association’s Youth Conferences
  • Attend the annual National League of Cities Conferences
  • Volunteer with National Night Out Back to School event
  • Hold Voter Registration Drives in schools and the community
  • Does presentations throughout the community at school board meetings, civil meetings, and more.

Click Here for the downloadable Application Packet or sign-up by completing the form below.  


Youth Council Application

Please fill out the form below. Required fields are indicated with a * symbol. Thank you.

NOTE: This application requires uploads of one (1) interest letter as well as two (2) recommendation letters. The signature of a parent and/or guardian is also required.

First Name
Last Name
Address Line 1
Current Classification
Next School Year
Current High School
First Name
Last Name

City of Dublin Youth Council generally meets twice a month for approximately two (2) hours. In addition, Youth Council members will be involved in a variety of community events and committee meetings. Approximately four (4) hours or more per month will be required of all City of Dublin Youth Council members.

Based on the commitments you have already made for the upcoming school year, could you dedicated approximately four (4) hours or more per month to City of Dublin Youth Council.

A Letter of Interest must be attached.

The document must be double-spaced, typed in 12-point font, and in black script. This letter should explain why you're a great candidate for Youth Council, what you hope to gain from the experience, what you can contribute to the organization, and any new ideas/activities you would like to see in the community and beyond.

Two (2) Reference Letters must be attached.

  1. First letter must be from a teacher, counselor, or school administrator. 
  2. Second letter must be from a civic or community leader.


Such references should provide information and examples of the applicants qualifications for the City of Dublin Youth Council. Contact information for such references should be included within the letter as well as added below.

Reference 1

First Name
Last Name
(teacher, counselor, administrator, etc.)

Reference 2

First Name
Last Name
(council person, pastor, representative, etc.)

I, the Applicant, verify that the information that I have included on this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I am interested in serving my community on the City of Dublin Youth Council, and if selected, I will abide by all of the rules and regulations set forth by the Mayor and Dublin City Council.

I, the Parent and/or Guardian of the Applicant, grant permission for my child to serve on the City of Dublin Youth Council and grant permission for him/her to participate in all activities of the Youth Council, and, if selected, will assist him/her in this endeavor. I further grant permission for the release of my child's grades to the Youth Council Committee for review.


October 28, 2024
"It’s Halloween Week! Have you spotted the awesome pumpkins on the front lawn of Dublin’s City Hall? Our fantastic Youth Council painted them!
Let’s give a shout-out to our youth leaders:
Dustyn Clements, our Mayor and a student at West Laurens High School; Amiria Thomas, our City Manager and a student at Dublin High School; Morgan Moore, our City Clerk and also a student at West Laurens High School; and Priscilla Allen, an At-Large council member and a student at East Laurens High School.
The holiday season is such a blast in Dublin, with tons of fun activities to enjoy with friends and family. If you’re feeling a bit bored and want to join in on the excitement, visit and follow Downtown Dublin, GA at https://downtowndublinga.com and Visit Dublin GA at https://visitdublinga.org for all the details!

October 9, 2024
The City of Dublin was thrilled to send seven of our Youth Council members to a Youth Symposium in Morrow, GA, on October 4-6, 2024. The event was hosted by the Walking In Authority Teen Council.
The purpose of their attendance was to learn more about local government and to collaborate with other Youth Councils across Georgia to share what each group is doing within their community. They had a great time with presentations, team-building activities, break-out sessions, and formal dinners at the Morrow Center.
Additionally, they enjoyed a tour of Spivey Hall at Clayton State University. It was wonderful to see our youth council learn from others and understand how their work makes a real difference in our community.
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August 26, 2024 @ 10:00AM-11:00AM
Northside Fire Station Groundbreaking Ceremony.
1317 North Jefferson Street, Dublin

Pictured left to right: Mayor Joshua KightAdrian Beacham, Youth Council Assistant City ClerkTess Godfrey, an at-large council member, and Richard Mascaro, another at-large council member. ?: Renia Cook 

June 11, 2024
“On June 10th and 11th, the new members of the 2024-2025 Dublin City Youth Council were introduced to their responsibilities as council members and their role in the function of local government. They also visited critical local institutions as part of their orientation to expand their understanding of city government, the significance of communication and unity between city government, and the significance of communication and unity between city establishments. The organizations they visited included the Dublin City Police Department, Riverview Gold Course, and The City of Dublin Natural Gas. Additionally, they toured Dublin City Hall to familiarize themselves with their opening location and the individuals who will support them in achieving their goals for the year. During the orientation, they discussed various topics, including the projects they hope to concentrate on and accomplish during their time in office and how they plan to address them. The future is bright for the 2024-2025 Dublin City Youth Council. Every member is ecstatic to learn more about our City’s Government and to represent all the teens in the community!” -Brook Harbor

?: Emma Claire McDaniel

To be updated ...

To be updated ...