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The Purchasing Department strives to obtain all goods and services through a fair and equitable process. Purchases may be made by either telephone quotes, informal written quotes, Request for Proposals, or Invitation to Bid. Capital purchases are obtained through the sealed bid process. Bid tabulations are provided upon request. Sealed bid announcements and bid packages will be available on the website. Awards are made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.
When submitting a bid, it is important for the bidder to use the forms provided by the Purchasing Department and to be sure that all forms are completed and returned. Sealed bids cannot be considered if they are sent via facsimile or e-mail. All bidders and other interested individuals are invited to attend the public bid openings.
All purchases require a purchase order number issued by the Purchasing Department. The number must appear on packing slips and invoices. Verbal orders are not permitted unless a number is given at the time the order is placed. Failure to receive proper authorization may result in the return of goods at the vendor’s expense.
The City of
It is the policy of the Purchasing Department as well as other departments to refuse gifts from vendors except for items of nominal value. Examples of acceptable items include but are not limited to, pens, pads, letter openers, and other related items. Any gift received by mail will be returned to the sender. If returning the item will result in a significant charge, the item will be donated to a charitable organization.
City of Dublin's GovDeals
GovDeals operates similarly to eBay, allowing users to bid on various items listed for auction. While some items may have a low starting bid, there might still be a reserve price that needs to be met. The highest bidder wins the item at the end of the auction, provided the reserve price has been reached. Click here to see the items for sale by the City of Dublin.
2006 Mercedes-Benz E-Class - Auction ends on March 13, 2025 @ 2:00 P.M.
Request for Qualifications:
None at this time.
Request for Proposals:
None at this time.
- Bid #25-02-002 - 2024-2025 Backhoe Loader - Bids are due on March 13, 2025 @ 2:00 P.M.
- Addendum #1 - Submission Source Expansion.
eProcurement Platforms
BidNet Direct
Vendor Information Form
Please fill out the form below. Required fields are indicated with a * symbol. Thank you.