Project Slow Zone
Project Slow Zone is the City of Dublin's neighborhood traffic calming program. Increasing safety and decreasing traffic speed and volume through our neighborhoods is top priority. Building on proven practices of traffic calming, the City of Dublin will plan for and implement this program through the application of the 5 E's: Education, Encouragement, Evaluation, Engineering, and Enforcement.
What is Traffic Calming?
Traffic calming is the combination of measures that reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behavior, and improve conditions for pedestrians, bicyclists, and neighborhood residents.
Traffic calming consists of physical design and other measures put in place on existing streets to reduce vehicle speeds and improve safety.
Speed limit reductions on neighborhood streets
- Community outreach and media campaign
- Temporary and permanent engineering solutions
- Traffic law enforcement and education
- Evaluation with each approach
Project Slow Zone Press Release
Does your street need Traffic Calming?
Follow the link below and complete the form to submit your street for traffic calming consideration. There are some minimum requirements for traffic calming, but we will review the request and respond to discuss further.
Traffic Calming Request Form
Cycle 1 (2023) Traffic Calming
The following streets were designated for the first round of traffic calming:
Stonewall Street, Coney Street, Highland Avenue, Woodrow Avenue, Kersey Lane, Stewart Avenue, Roberts Street, Goler Street, and Earlwood Dive.
Traffic studies were completed for each street and staff analyzed the need for traffic calming measures. City Council approved reducing the speed limit to 25 mph, as well as the implementation of measures to include speed cushions, branded neighborhood signage, new speed limit signs, and painted crosswalks.
City Council Resolution to Reduce Speed Limit on Cycle 1 Streets
Project Slow Zone Presentation - Cycle 1
Project Slow Zone Update for Mayor and Council- 8/17/2023
Cycle 2 (2023) Traffic Calming
The following streets are being reviewed for Cycle 2 traffic calming measures:
Woods Avenue, Waverly Drive, Brookhaven Drive, Village Circle, Hudson Drive, Shadow Pond, Live Oak Way, Decatur Street, Edgewood Drive,
Cardinal Drive.
Cycle 2 (2023) Traffic Calming Report
Cycle 3 (2024) Traffic Calming Report
For more information on Project Slow Zone, you may email or reach out to the City of Dublin Planning (478) 277- 5070 or Engineering (478) 277-5036.